Turkey Run
Mennonite Church

Our Ministries

There are several ways to serve the Lord.

  1. We can help others meet the material and physical needs for day to day living in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. We can share the good news and salvation through Jesus Christ.
  3. We can grow the local church, both through spiritual maturity and physical growth.

Whatever way you want to serve, whether it be in the daily functions of the church, fiscally assisting ministries, prayer, or reaching the world through evangelical outreach, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!


Every Sunday at 10:30 AM is a Gathered Worship service. The worship coordinator schedules volunteers who range in age and musical backgrounds to lead the congregation in a time of music worship as part of the overall service. With this style of worship leadership, people may enjoy a broad range of music styles and genres.

Bible School

The first Summer Bible School was held in 1938 and was two weeks long. Bible school has continued every summer to this day. Currently Summer Bible School is held each morning for one week with a closing program on Friday evening. All children in grades K-10 are welcome to come and learn about the Bible and the triune God - the Father, Jesus the Christ, and God the Holy Spirit.


Turkey Run sponsors many missionaries both locally and globally. Locally we have assisted Bethel Camp in Clayhole, Kentucky with facilities for its campers. Through Rosedale Mennonite Missions (RMM) members of Turkey Run have made mission trips all over the world, including to South Africa, Mongolia, Turkey, Somalia, Nepal, and other countries.

Sewing Circle

The Women's Sewing Circle has been an important ministry of Turkey Run Mennonite Church. Started during the Great Depression to make quilts for needy folks, the Sewing Circle still continues to meet regularly and produces many comforters, kit bags, and bandages which go to different parts of the world through various relief agencies.